Malaysia's Nicotine Delisting Sparks Debate Over Youth Vaping Risks

The recent legal loophole in Malaysia that allows vape products to be freely sold to and consumed by minors has sparked a public outcry among health practitioners and parents. The government's decision to remove nicotine substances from the Poisons List has led to more children taking up vaping and potentially becoming addicted. However, the Malaysian Prime Minister has stated that his administration will tax nicotine-laced products to prevent the substance from being spread widely at low prices. In this article, we will explore the controversy surrounding this move and its potential impact on public health.
The Legal Loophole
Liquid and gel nicotine, key ingredients of e-cigarettes and vaporisers, were removed from the list of scheduled poisons from April, with the government now imposing a tax on vape products and e-cigarettes. The Poisons Board objected to the delisting, but Health Minister Zaliha Mustafa exercised her ministerial powers to override it. As a result, those below 18 are free to use products containing nicotine liquid and gel without regulation, sparking concerns among health practitioners and parents.
The Controversy
The Malaysian Council for Tobacco Control (MCTC) has warned that the government's action to remove nicotine substances from the Poisons List will lead to more children taking up vaping and potentially becoming addicted. The longer the government waits to table the Generational End Game (GEG) Bill, which seeks to ban the use, possession and sale of cigarettes and vape products to those born after 2007, the more young people will actually start vaping with nicotine. Nicotine is categorised by the United States Food and Drug Administration and similar agencies in other countries as a highly addictive substance. Nicotine addiction is likened to that of heroin by experts. The idea of introducing someone to this addictive substance will make them an addict over the short term.
The Public Health Implications
The Malaysian Health Coalition has expressed deep concern about the public health implications of vaping and tobacco use, especially in children and teenagers. They support the GEG and favour an outright ban on vaping. Strict regulations will bring Malaysia in line with increasingly prevalent international norms. According to the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, the use of e-cigarettes is unsafe for children, teenagers and young adults, as nicotine is highly addictive and can harm adolescent brain development, which continues into the early to mid-20s. Therefore, it is important to regulate the sale and use of e-cigarettes and vaporisers to prevent minors from becoming addicted to nicotine.
The Impact on Pricing
Typically priced between RM16.90 (S$5.10) and more than RM100 in Malaysia, a disposable vaping device contains up to 9,000 nicotine-laced puffs. Industry players are looking to raise prices by 20 or 30 per cent, but the price hike would not make much impact on minors. Secondary school students spend only RM5 to pool together to get devices which have 6,000 to 8,000 doses. With the price hike, they may need to spend RM1 more. However, the Parent Action Group for Education Malaysia has stated that a better way would have been to preserve the status quo. Vaping will eventually lead to smoking. If minors are even aware of the exemption, they will be tempted to vape openly, as they believe it improves their self-image. Therefore, it is important to regulate the sale and use of e-cigarettes and vaporisers to prevent minors from becoming addicted to nicotine.
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In conclusion, the recent legal loophole in Malaysia that allows vape products to be freely sold to and consumed by minors has sparked a public outcry among health practitioners and parents. The government's decision to remove nicotine substances from the Poisons List has led to concerns about the potential impact on public health.